Donate to the Campaign to Re-Elect Judge Roith

The Re-Election Committee needs supporters to make financial contributions to help with campaign expenses.  (Advertising, brochures, web expenses, lawn signs, stationery, postage and many other items the campaign will need money to support.)

There are two ways to make a donation to the campaign.

First, you may simply pay through Paypal, a well-known and trusted means for tranferring funds online.  To use this method, please click on the Donate button at the bottom of most pages.

, you may send a check to the committee, accompanied by the form noted just below, which asks that you provide certain information to the committee, so it can maintain proper campaign contribution records.

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Thank you very much.

The Committee to Re-Elect Judge Michael Roith

Prepared and Paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect Judge Michael Roith
Chris Kalla, Treasurer, PO Box 492, Anoka MN 55303