How You Can Help Re-Elect Judge Roith

There are numerous ways you can assist in Judge Roith's re-election campaign.  You may have other ideas.

- Make a financial contribution to help with campaign expenses.  (Advertising, brochures, web expenses, lawn signs, stationery, postage and many other items the campaign will need money to support.)

- Be a campaign volunteer.  As the election draws nearer, Judge Roith will need people to attend meetings with and on his behalf.  He will need people to go to their neighbors for permission to put a lawn sign in their yard.  He may need people to canvas the neighborhoods of the eight counties in the Tenth Judicial District, so that people will know about the judge and his candidacy.

- Post a lawn sign in your own yard, and the yards of your friends and family members.

- Allow your name to be used publicly as a Judge Roith supporter.  See the “Become a Supporter” page.

- Write a letter to the editor of your local paper and/or one of the large metro papers.

We have posted a form you can use to offer your help in one of the above ways, or perhaps in some way we have not considered.  You can download it by clicking on the link below.  You may also contact the committee through the Contact Us page.

Thank you very much.

The Committee to Re-Elect Judge Michael Roith
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Prepared and Paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect Judge Michael Roith
Chris Kalla, Treasurer, PO Box 492, Anoka MN 55303